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Transforming Education with Accurate and Reliable Digital Evaluation Systems

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Transforming Education with Accurate and Reliable Digital Evaluation Systems

Date: 16/02/2019 | Category: General

Digitization, an unbelievable phenomenon is evolving gradually into the stream of higher education and is now a revolution. The digital evaluationsystem is the new pattern of online assessment and grading of students, ensuring that the evaluated answer sheets display transparency and credibility in the process.

Hence, the person evaluating a student’s booklet (called the evaluator) can just log onto their central server and quickly start assessing the mark sheet. Physical sheets are to be uploaded into the server beforehand. This way, the concerned authority can scan answer scripts of their students’ and thus perform a digital evaluation in real-time.

From the K-12 grades schools to deemed educational institutions and universities, the revolution of the digital-based evaluation system is going to act as a tech-centric disrupting factor in the learning. Owing to this digital advancement, the examination process within academic turns much efficient in fairness, speed, ease of correctness, and security terms!

A shift in the paradigm of assessment system: digital evaluation

Immediate result announcements, speedy assessment period, reliable evaluation process, effortless evaluation, and more are possible by utilizing an on-screen evaluation setup. This digital transformation is beneficial not only with efficiency or transparency parameters, but also a solid hold to automated assessment patterns.

The process goes by this way:

  1. The work of every evaluator begins from taking any short or long text responses that are scanned using high-speed internet scanners.
  2. The scanned document (answer sheet) is uploaded into the online encrypted cloud server, where paper-based scripts are no requirement.
  3. Now, based on a two-factor authentication system, the web administrator provides the booklet to the evaluator, to assess the marks right.

And the final step is where the evaluator performs an on-screen marking to rectify errors and mark discrepancies in the correction. The notable part here is that the answer sheet checking process can be undertaken even with the evaluator’s mobile phone!

Digital data gathering methodologies & its significance

Academic setups are moving towards the arena of digital evaluation, inline to the following reasons. Note that there can be more justifications apart to the mentioned; yet, the given-below digital data gathering (DDG) standards are typical to nearly all academics:

  •  Quality:

For quality purposes, DDG is resourceful to collect information particular to aspects such as filling skip-type questionnaires, assigning numerical entry limits, giving formats for alpha-numerals, and even frame questions as ‘optional’ or ‘mandatory’.

  •  Time:

In traditional evaluation, the total duration to check answers, assess format, and evaluate the student’s score is unarguably time-consuming. With the advent of digital evaluation, even large-scale data collection becomes possible within a short span.

  • Cost:

Digital data cuts charges paid on stationeries, room allocation, and other physical prerequisites needed for the evaluator. Also, this applies even for recruitment, where HRMs can perform online employee evaluation, and hire talented minds within the budget.

  • Storage:

While paper-based exams and surveys get damaged as time moves, online data is not permanently erasable. The digital information is storable and accessible anytime, inside the cloud servers, irrespective of time, climatic, and seasonal constraints.

The 4 limitations to digital data gathering

On the flip side, we have four cons to DDG methodologies, and these are common to both education and employment perspectives.

1. Higher Initial Costs:

While there are price-based perks in the long from DDG, it poses comprehensive investment at the setup stage. From finding the right platform to installing one (added with regular maintenance) costs high. Thus, the initial amount for digital evaluation is pretty more.

 2. Data Security Breaches:

Any cloud-based system is susceptible to hacking and cyber-threats. And saying that, both academic sheets, as well as official business papers, can be exposed to third-parties, in the absence of strict digital surveillance.

 3. Staff Capacity:

DDG is a growing technology. Employing this at present demands much knowledge and learning onto the usability part. The respective evaluators are to be instructed thoroughly on the working mechanism of the digital evaluation process. Might sound easy to teach, but it demands time and money for getting the right professionals.

 4. IT Support:

IT support and services are mandatory for any data collection software. Be it security, maintenance, upgrading, or for troubleshooting purposes. Picking ideal IT brands can be challenging since they must adhere to your educational/commercial objectives.

Data evaluation system and exclusive features from MeritTrac

As we noted before, finding the most appropriate expertise can be tiresome, money and time-wise. However, with the support of MeritTrac, the pros outweigh the disadvantages. With the features such as the standardized marking kit, live electronic marking, senior exam administration, and large volume answer script digitization, over 570+ million answer scripts are scanned, while 19+ million answer sheets have been evaluated! So, the bottom line of online evaluation and digital assessment has transformed with an automated, fully-compatible online test maker, only from MeritTrac.

The notion of digital evaluation is going to shine bright in the future. Education is experiencing something unique, effortless, quick, and verifiable through the mechanism of digital data gathering and assessment.