Behavioural Assessment Test
A Behavioral Assessment Test is a type of psychological evaluation that aims to measure an individual’s behavior, personality traits, and cognitive abilities in order to better understand their strengths, weaknesses, and overall functioning. This type of assessment is commonly used in clinical and educational settings, as well as in workplaces to evaluate job performance and suitability for certain roles.
Traditional assessment practices such as phone screening or in-person interviews make it difficult to gain accurate insights into an applicant’s ability to solve problems, fit into the company’s culture, and ultimately succeed in the position. Failure to assess behavioural traits lead to costly mis-hires and demoralizing attrition rates Factoring behavioural assessment tests into the hiring process can help organisations better understand the temperament of a candidate through a series of scientifically designed questions and scenarios.
MeritTrac’s suite of personality and behavioural assessment tests help organisations evaluate employees on various factors such as workplace thinking style, willingness to learn, leadership capabilities, generic personality, sales situational personality, and customer service orientation. We leverage validated and reliable psychometric frameworks such as Big Five Personality, Holland’s Career Interest, Blake Mouton’s Managerial Grid and Herzberg’s Motivation Model, to help organisations gain an unbiased understanding of individual’s behaviour and social skills. Our assessment platforms such as Pariksha and SmartTest enable companies to deploy personality tests, critical thinking tests, creativity test, leadership assessments, and workplace behaviour tests. Our online examination and talent assessment software can help you administer a wide range of behavioural tests. The high validity and reliability scores help to identify the right-fit candidates with high emotional quotient (EQ), the right work ethics, and the right attitude.MeritTrac Advantages
- Hire efficiently
- Employ the right talent
- Identify leadership potential
- Address career progression and attrition
- Enable succession planning
Evidence-based methodology
Our personality and behavioural assessments suite comprise solutions to assess candidates’ generic personality, motivation and emotional intelligence in order to evaluate their suitability for specific functions, industries and roles.
MeritTrac’s Behavioural Assessment Tests

Customer Service Orientation Questionnaire
Assesses customer service skills and qualities essential for managing customers and providing exceptional service

Generic Personality Questionnaire
Measures Big 5 personality traits including emotional stability, openness to experience, extraversion, agreeableness and conscientiousness

Sales Situational Personality Questionnaire for Pharma and Retail
Measures candidates on six personality dimensions to identify high probability of sales success in pharma and retail environment

Leadership Style Questionnaire
Evaluates five potential leadership styles based on parameters such as concern for task and concern for people

Individual Dimension Scale
Measures workplace behavioral traits mapped to the personality tests of Holland’s Career Interest framework

Workplace Thinking Style
Assesses candidates’ creative and critical thinking

Willingness to Learn
Measures candidates’ learning potential based on specific learning parameters

Chat Proficiency Analyzer
Evaluates candidates’ alertness and adaptability by analysing responses to certain customer chat situations
10 Workplace Problems Psychometric Tests Solve in Your Company
What does Behavioural Assessment Test Measure?
Transform your workforce
Our comprehensive behavioral assessments deliver multi-pronged benefits to organizations:

Assess an individual’s likelihood of unexcused absence and turnover through online personality assessment and retention profile

Generate information on the candidate’s personality, values, ethics and behavioral traits

Scientifically identify candidates for specific roles, functions and responsibilities

Structure interviews for screening and assessing candidates

Evaluate candidates on job role-based fitment
Free from foreign bias
Easy-to-comprehend reports
Job role- and purpose-specific assessments
Suitable for mass hiring
We are one of the most trusted brands

A large Indian conglomerate
MeritTrac has supported us in identifying a large pool of managerial talent using assessments than relying on their longevity in the organization.

One of the Largest Private Banks in India
MeritTrac takes care of our bank's recruitment back office and the service offering is best in terms of value proposition.
The ability to communicate ideas, exchange opinions, and state facts in English, is vital for every employee as it is one of the most commonly used working languages in the world. The easiest and most accurate way to test a job applicant’s language proficiency is to conduct a communication assessment. The test results help you to analyse if the grammar, vocabulary, sentence completeness, clarity, conciseness, meaning etc., are at the expected proficiency level.
Selecting a candidate who has inadequate communication skills could have undesirable consequences for business operations as well as relations. To avoid such problems, organisations around the world have placed more emphasis on using robust methods for assessing candidates for their language skills and also for developing the skills throughout their career life-cycle.
The quality of a workforce is heavily dependent upon the employees. Poor recruitment practices and sub-optimal assessment tools can lead to bad hires that will inevitably compromise the work output quality. Organisations with larger numbers of employees use communication assessments to improve the skills of employees, raise the efficiency of the workforce and reduces attrition rates.
The core components of a communication assessment are written English test, listening comprehension test and verbal ability- English.
Easy to comprehend reports, job-role specific and bias-free assessments make MeritTrac different from others. MeritTrac also provides communication assessments suitable for mass hiring.