How schools, colleges and universities can accelerate examination evaluation correctly, securely and guarantee outcome at scale? How to simplify the task of answer sheet evaluation which is marred with errors and inconsistencies? Today, the bouquet of benefits offered by the rise of ed-tech is not only enabling the new bricks of education but the bastions of traditions as well. And why not? Isn’t it an imperative of modern time? In the online evaluation space, the pervasive power of digital enablement is simplifying, securing and accelerating education institutes’ complete assessment delivery. This brings much sought-after relief not just to the students but to the reputation of the examination bodies as well. The digital evaluation system is here to overcome the challenges faced by examiners in the most efficient manner.
Many educational institutions still depend on traditional paper-based evaluation and are in oblivion to the benefits of online evaluation systems. Just as other industries’ behavioural shifts drove the digital transformation, the assessment vertical in education too essentially needs to explore (and experience) the all-round competencies and comfort of governance that digitization brings to the table. Imagine, for example, the amount of stress teachers, exam administrators, and moderators go through during the examination season. This can be eliminated at the root with the help of a robust online evaluation system.
Today, it just seems that we can’t afford to be slipping behind by not leveraging digital. The widespread availability and adoption of ‘digital’ among parents, students and recruiters have set the bar many notches higher. Just like ecommerce, healthcare, finance, insurance and the likes, the digital natives want similar experience from their overall education experience too. For recruiters, the ask is even blunter as they would match variables with their own employers’ best practices. At the end of the day – all of them, recruiters or students, expect more and better services, quicker. They have greater digital expectations from their educational and administrative experiences. Tabulation errors, delays or inconsistencies in evaluation, missing answer papers for example, are faux pas, education institutes cannot let seep into their process. Along with burning issues like inefficient and error laden marking process, the high cost of storing and archiving old answer scripts or long lead-time to collate evaluation data are also areas that need quick redressal. Fair and error-free evaluation practices and timely result delivery is a must in the highly competitive world of education.
Contrary to half-baked belief, establishing the test evaluation process is quite easy on the ground. It not only contributes to better student engagement but helps learning through bias-free assessment process too. These systems are suitable for both computer-based and paper-based answer scripts, so optimising your school’s test evaluation process is quite easy.
11 Advantages of using online evaluation system
How MeritTrac simplifies the exam administration and evaluation process
Many prestigious schools, colleges and universities across India are extensively using MeritTrac for examination administration and evaluation. MeritTrac is an ISO 9001:2008, ISO 27001, and CMMI Level 5 certified company. It not only enables 100 percent transparent process but also manages large scale test evaluations with quick turnaround time. Some of the key services offered are:
MeritTrac highlights: Unparalleled in the industry
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