Case analysis and decision making assessment test a candidate’s ability to apply critical thinking ability to analyze a case and apply a decision. It tests the general rationality and practicality of the solution. The problem solving ability, the mental process used, the concepts pursued, the inferences derived – all of these are checked.
Organizations can use a case analysis assessment test to not only hire personnel for specific job roles but also identify training and development needs. A case analysis and decision making test can test a candidate’s ability to organize their hypothesis, label their thoughts and opinions, use category and classification, use levels of judgment, and several other related techniques.
MeritTrac platform is suitable for organizations to conduct case analysis and decision making assessments as part of an online employability test. The platform has several modules that test a candidate’s cognitive, decision making, and comprehension abilities to name a few. All of these solutions can be mixed, matched, and customized to create a case-by-case assessment depending on job role, sector etc.
MeritTrac is an AI-backed, and data science fortified cognitive assessment platform. Organizations, research institutions, and government entities use the platform to hire and train their personnel. It is also used by educational institutions to offer scientific assessments and online proctored examinations.
A. Case analysis is the ability to understand a situation. Decision making is the ability to use discretion to arrive at a proper course of action.
A. Decision making skills assessment can be used for hiring personnel whose key responsibilities are making high quality organization impacting decisions.
A. MeritTrac MCQ tests for case analysis and decision making are easy to take and require no paraphernalia.
A. Employers use decision making skills assessment tests to hire and train employees.
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