Creativity Test for Building an Innovative Workforce

When we say creative thinking, the words, poetry, painting, fashion or theatre come to our mind. All these art forms are based on creative thinking. But the fact is that creative thinking is an essential part of any workplace. Even traditional 9 to 5 workplaces require solutions based on creative thinking. Creative thinkers can help you find innovative solutions to existing issues or find a completely new way to revamp an existing process to give you better results. In fact, having creative thinkers on the team will definitely give you a good return on your investment.

As recruiters understand the importance of creativity in the workplace, they are using creative personality tests to evaluate the creative thinking skills of the candidates. Recruiters are not just looking for creative thinkers for those job profiles that traditionally require creative skills, but also for all job profiles where communication, management, innovation, planning, and process development are required.

Importance of Creative Thinking in the Workplace

Creative thinking can help in bringing about innovation, better communication, and efficient problem-solving. Having creative thinkers on board will not only bring in a fresh perspective for your project but also help design better solutions and services based on your process. There are various ways in which creative thinking will prove to be very important in the workplace.

Problem Solving

Any work process is prone to snags, issues, and other problems. It may not be possible to find a solution by using the usual methods. In such cases, creative thinking can help find new solutions to the problems or issues and help your team overcome the problem.

New Strategies

Whether you’re marketing a new product or are looking for a better way to improve sales and services, creative thinking can help you find the right solution.

Enhancing Efficiency

Creative thinking can help you find new ways of doing the same processes, which can help reduce turnaround times, improve productivity and boost team morale, all of which will help improve process efficiency.

Better Communication

Having creative thinkers on your team will help build better communication channels. If they are good listeners and have the necessary technical skills, then you have a definite winner in your team.

Make Mundane Jobs Fun

Even mundane jobs can be made interesting by adding the creative element. A monthly report can be made interesting by adding visual elements or a weekly meeting can become fun by adding creative activities. Creative thinking can be implemented while creating a new product copy, advertisement or sales strategy. Such small changes can help enhance your team spirit and encourage your team to work better together.

Applications of Creative Thinking Assessments

Creative thinking assessments can be used for both recruitment and workforce development.


Creativity tests and assessments can be used in campus recruitment, walk-ins or lateral hiring for all job profiles. For job profiles like design, development, marketing and strategising where creative skills are essential, these test scores can be used to narrow down eligible candidates. For the other job profiles, these scores will help recruiters get an idea of the creative skills of the candidates and identify ways to enhance their innate skills for the betterment of the business.

Workforce Development

Companies can come up with training programs and other activities to build creative thinking skills in their existing workforce. A creative personality test can be conducted in the target group to identify areas of training and improvement. The L&D team can then come up with training programs to improve creative thinking skills.

Leveraging MeritTrac to Manage Talent Development

MeritTrac Platforms for Creative Tests

MeritTrac offers assessment platforms that can be used to design, build and administer creative thinking tests.


Pariksha is a hybrid scientific assessment platform that lets you author, design and schedule tests. It also features analytics and reporting features, which will help you generate reports as per your requirements. You can also analyse the results of the candidates and compare them to narrow down your search to candidates who best meet your preferences. This assessment platform is mobile ready and works on multiple platforms.


MeritTrac SmartTest assessment platform has more than 10,000 assessments in various areas such as behavioural skills, cognitive skills, and domain skills. You can customise the creativity test catalogues based on your recruitment or training needs. Its diagnostic tools give you in-depth reports and analytics.

Merittrac Advantage

Merittrac is an ISO 9001:2008, ISO 27001, and CMMI Level 5 Certified assessment provider. We have assisted more than 400 clients in setting up and deploying assessment tests for hiring and training. All the creative thinking tests in our catalogues are created under the guidance of industry experts and subject matter experts with experience in assessments.

Merittrac Platforms are custom designed for the assessment needs of recruiters and trainers. The platforms have a user-friendly interface, which makes it easy for the candidate to take up the test. Moreover, the platforms are mobile ready and designed with plug and play feature, so you can use the platform to deploy creativity tests online anywhere anytime.


1. What is creative thinking?

A. Creative thinking can be defined as a way of looking at something from a new perspective. It can be explained as out-of-the-box thinking.

2. What are the essential creative thinking skills?

A. The essential creative thinking skills are communication, analytical, organisation, open-minded and problem-solving.

3. What is the difference between creative thinking and critical thinking?

A. Creative thinking focuses on innovation and different perspectives, while critical thinking focuses on identifying problems and issues.

4. What are the job profiles that require creative thinking skills?

A. Creative thinking is an essential part of all work profiles. However, creative thinkers can go for jobs such as graphic design, interior design, public relations, writing, teaching, web design, data science and analysis, management, marketing, and sales.

5. What are the top hiring areas where recruiters can use creative thinking tests?

A. Recruiters can use creative thinking evaluation tests for job profiles such as website/application development, visual design, user experience, art direction, social media, creative development, and user experience.

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