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Is an Online Examination System Safer than a Traditional Examination System?

Is an Online Examination System Safer than a Traditional Examination System?

General introduction about online examination system

Online examination system has picked up popularity in the last few decades. Educational institutes, governments and corporations are spending millions of dollars to develop and use online exam software. There are many advantages of conducting the exams online and during the COVID-19 period, everyone understood it all the more.

However, the ways of conducting the exams ethically without any invigilator supervision has been a major question mark in the minds of educators and students. Corporates have embraced online examination systems for quite some time now.

Advantages of online examination system

  • Technological advancements- Companies which are into developing online exam systems are making them robust to put an end to any kind of malpractices during the exams. The technological advancements have made things seamless and students can take online exams from the designated exam centers for JEE Mains, BITSAT and CAT exams etc.
  • It saves paper- Since there are no physical pen and paper involved in online examinations, it saves tons of paper. Hence, it is environment-friendly and many trees can be saved if every university across the globe moves to the online mode of examination.
  • Online exam is time-efficient- The teachers need not spend time distributing question papers and answer sheets before the examination and collect them after the exam. They also need not waste time to correct the answer sheets as it can be done by the online exam software. The results can be announced much faster. There is no constraint of the location of the student and the teacher.
  • It saves money- Since you need not print the examination question papers and invest in answer sheets; the cost of conducting online examinations is much cheaper. Even the multiple choice questions can be corrected by the software. Hence, the money spent to pay the teachers to correct the answer sheets is minimized.
  • Enhanced safety and privacy- Most of the universities which are moving towards online examination mode do not give the same question paper to the students. Hence even if they take the examination in a hall full of other students, they cannot match the answers as others have different question sets.

With paper answer sheets, students used to pass it on to each other during examinations. That is not possible as online examinations are conducted on the computers.

What are the types of online examination?

  • Multiple Choice Questions
  • Image-Based Questions
  • Audio/ Video-based questions
  • Psychometric Questions

Online Exam Software Vs Traditional Paper Exam

Many people feel that traditional paper exams are safer than online exams, however, that’s not true. If we recollect the instances of question papers being leaked, students copying from each other’s answer sheets etc. are prevalent in paper exams. Even the highest order of invigilation cannot stop them completely.

However, these kinds of anomalies can be reduced to a large extent in online software based exams.

Why to Choose MeritTrac Services for Safer Online Examination System?

MeritTrac services have been providing online examination systems to corporations for more than two decades now. We have invested in state-of-the-art technology to ensure that the safety aspects are never compromised. We understand the criticality of hiring a wrong candidate who might have fooled the system, and hence we have high-end software to curb it.


Now that the online examination system has established itself in the corporate world, conducting customer service assessment test cognitive assessment test and emotional intelligence test online is quite safe. MeritTrac is an established name in the field of online examination, and we will help you to reach the desired goals with your employees. Be it the screening process or intermediate professional competency assessments, we are there to help you in all of them.

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